Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Easy Peazy Lemon Squeazy

Wise old people tell me the best thing you can do, is do things now. Why wait when people have opportunities to achieve things every day, at every moment? When I listen to seniors passionately describing how they wish they could of grasped life differently, it all comes into the same perspective: “Life is counted by the memories, enriched wisdom and experience. Not by the days or breath a person takes." It makes me think hard of what I’ve accomplished in my life so far, from child hood when I climbed my first tree, all the way to walking in those front doors anxious and nervous, on the first day of school. Realizing "hey man... I’m in grade 12, that’s awesome!" My mind runs but I can never catch it until I have sudden realization of something. This realization, a stream of light is that I could have done things differently in the past. When people walk down the hall way there’s a choice of making someone smile and saying "hey!" or you can walk emotionless pretending not to notice anyone. How about doing homework right after school instead of procrastinating till the night before? Life is easy if people make it easy, but it could also be very difficult if people make it difficult. Same with grade 12. It’s the stepping stones of growing up into the real world. So why not make it as easy as possible? Attendance is crucial, effort is everlasting and a positive attitude spreads like disease. My path towards graduating grade 12 is the easy way, what’s yours?

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