Wednesday, May 25, 2011

To Whom This Concerns: Mr Kleats

Ainsley Mackay
123 Main Street
Penticton, British Columbia,
V2A 3W1

May 25, 2011

Mr. Kleats
School 123 Main Street
Sportstown, British Columbia
V2A 1W3

Dear Mr. Kleats:

My Daughter Sola Mackay has been attending the K2 Freestyle Club for three years now, as she loves to attend practice and be taught new tricks by peers and coaches. I realize your on a very tight schedule as your senior team is going to Joss Super Sessions in Sweden but I have a few concerns regarding the younger team that Sola and others are in.

As Ive said before I realize your on a very tight schedule but practice has been confusing and disorganized. Lately the team hasn't practiced as one due to miss understanding of a time and location. A suggestion would be to print out a monthly calendar of practice, where its held, competitions and what time's. I could even help you make a schedule if you'd like. Also, Myself and a few other parents are a little concerned with your behaviour of favouring skiers due to the ability of there riding skills. As some kids feel neglected and hurt due to impatience and favouritism. Every single kid has potential in this sport to win, but that's not the point as it teaches every child to become an independent rider, make friends and most importantly have love for the sport. You may not know this but every kid looks up to you in some sort of way. I appreciate you for taking the time to read this letter as it means alot to me and the other parents. A responce on your thoughts would be lovely to hear, as everyone is willing to listen. Good luck going to Sweden! Have a save trip and win some golds!


Ainsley Mackay

Monday, May 9, 2011

Princess Margarete Secondary School is the best High School in the Okanagan Valley. What makes it so unique compared to other schools one might ask is the overly small student parking lot, sitting on the ground instead of using seats in the common area, and a grad class that can only get along after a few sips of lemonade. I highly recommend this school as I have been attending it for four years and have seen and heard the success stories that have come out of this wonderful school. The teachers are fantastic and very dedicated! Some teachers teaching tactics are wooing their class by acting like a cat. Meowing and climbing up walls while interpreting it into their lesson really seem to grasp students undivided attention.

One of the best things about the school is the student parking lot. ev

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

10,000 Watts is No Comparison to the Power of Bullying

Penticton BC, a peaceful enriched town with a population of about 37,700 people. Penticton is translated as "a place to stay forever" as it truely is. Beautiful, crisp lakes surround both ends with a channel splitting through the middle, while mountains shelter all the way around the town. A majority of the citizens are seniors, while the rest are people raising familys. As breath taking as Penticton sounds theres still everyday problems such as bullying throughout the community and schools. Bullying affects everyone throughout life in many perspectives; the victem, the bully or even watching as it happens. There is nothing humorious or entertaining about physically hurting someone or bringing down their self esteem.

Monday, February 7, 2011

You are You

My parents always told me that I could be whoever I wanted to be. So I became me. I guess you could say I’m unique. I guess you could say I’m talented or creative and adventurous. These past years of life had whirl pooled into a cyclone of memories drowned in thought, despair and excitement. The thing with memories is they don’t change, as everything revolving around us keeps progressing forward. I think about memories as much as I create them. Walk on the Greenside. It sticks to my mind like a piece of pink hubba bubba gum, bonding onto a stranger’s shoe. I guess you could say I swept the audience off their feet. Gracefully gliding onto the runway past the judges, they didn’t delay automatically handing me first prize. At the very top of a mountain I have once yodeled my mother’s maiden name. It repeated back four times, "Escobar, Escobar, Escobar, Escobar" one less loud than the other. High as the Himalayas to the deep dark sea of Mariana’s Trench, every living organism has heard of my being. I have dived into the deep oceans. Teasing lionfish, thrilled by the chance of being pricked by their deadly venomous spine. I’ve ridden the Great Colossal squid who rules the species of squids due to its length of 14m. The squid has taken me to the Titanic where we have mourned for lost souls trapped in the hull of its once glamorous ship. We even drifted among the ocean currents ending up in the Ring of Fire. I know the secret to keeping the world at peace, better yet keeping peoples stomachs from talking a deep, unattractive, growl. No walls show inside my house, as they are covered with shelf’s of books. I have the keen knowledge of everything I have read. Thus does not include my fantasy of meeting Harry Potter or fighting villains on the downtown streets with Spiderman, being his mate able sidekick, Spiderwoman. I have been in the X- Games twice, winning in the freestyle skiing category , first year with my easy superman cork 9, while the second year I didn’t even bother putting effort because I knew I’m the best skier the universe has ever seen. In the hot, dry deserts near the Valley of the Kings, I discovered a marvelous tomb with only using a spoon to dig it out. The treasures inside the tomb were everlasting and priceless; something any man would go crazy for. I have done many achievements in my life so far but its time to put the adventures on hold and go to collage.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Easy Peazy Lemon Squeazy

Wise old people tell me the best thing you can do, is do things now. Why wait when people have opportunities to achieve things every day, at every moment? When I listen to seniors passionately describing how they wish they could of grasped life differently, it all comes into the same perspective: “Life is counted by the memories, enriched wisdom and experience. Not by the days or breath a person takes." It makes me think hard of what I’ve accomplished in my life so far, from child hood when I climbed my first tree, all the way to walking in those front doors anxious and nervous, on the first day of school. Realizing "hey man... I’m in grade 12, that’s awesome!" My mind runs but I can never catch it until I have sudden realization of something. This realization, a stream of light is that I could have done things differently in the past. When people walk down the hall way there’s a choice of making someone smile and saying "hey!" or you can walk emotionless pretending not to notice anyone. How about doing homework right after school instead of procrastinating till the night before? Life is easy if people make it easy, but it could also be very difficult if people make it difficult. Same with grade 12. It’s the stepping stones of growing up into the real world. So why not make it as easy as possible? Attendance is crucial, effort is everlasting and a positive attitude spreads like disease. My path towards graduating grade 12 is the easy way, what’s yours?